Articles in Refereed Journals
- “High Marginal Tax Rates on the Top 1%? Lessons from a Life Cycle Model with Idiosyncratic Income Risk” (joint with Dirk Krueger), AEJ: Macroeconomics, 14(2), 319–366, 2022.
- “Inheritance Taxation and Wealth Effects on the Labor Supply of Heirs” (joint with Lukas Mayr and Dominik Sachs), Journal of Public Economics, 191, 104-127, 2020.
- “Bargaining over Babies: Theory, Evidence, and Policy Implications” (joint with Matthias Doepke), American Economic Review, 109 (9), 3264-3306, 2019.
- “Life in shackles? The quantitative implications of reforming the educational loan system” (joint with Ben Heijdra and Laurie Reijnders), Review of Economic Dynamics, 25, 37-57, 2017.
- “Families and Social Security” (joint with Hans Fehr and Manuel Kallweit), European Economic Review, 91, 30-56, 2017 .
- “Household Formation, Female Labor Supply and Savings” (joint with Hans Fehr and Manuel Kallweit), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 118 (4), 868–911, 2016.
- “Taxing Capital Along the Transition – Not A Bad Idea After All?” (joint with Hans Fehr), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 51, 64-77, 2015.
- “Earnings related pension schemes and human capital formation”, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 14 (1), 19-54, 2015.
- “Reforming Family Taxation in Germany – A Dynamic CGE Approach” (joint with Hans Fehr and Manuel Kallweit), FinanzArchiv, 71 (1), 53-81 2015.
- “Optimal Pollution Taxation and Abatement When Leisure and Environmental Quality are Complements” (joint with Ben Heijdra and Pim Heijnen), De Economist, 163 (1), 95-122, 2015.
- “Should pensions be progressive?” (joint with Hans Fehr and Manuel Kallweit), European Economic Review, 63, 94-116, 2013.
- “Welfare Effects of Privatizing Public Education When Human Capital Investments are Risky”, Journal of Human Capital, 6 (2), 87-123, 2012.
- “Pension Reform with Variable Retirement Age – A Simulation Analysis for Germany” (joint with Hans Fehr and Manuel Kallweit), Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 11 (3), 389-417, 2012.
- “Pension Funding and Individual Accounts in Economies with Life Cyclers and Myopes” (joint with Hans Fehr), CESifo Economics Studies, 56 (3), 404-443, 2010.
- “Finanzhilfen bei internationalen Verschuldungskrisen? – Eine Analyse mit Hilfe globaler Spiele” (joint with Dina Dreisbach and Hans Fehr), Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, 61 (1), 1-20, 2010.
- “Social Security with Rational and Hyperbolic Consumers” (joint with Hans Fehr and Christian Habermann), Review of Economic Dynamics, 11 (4), 884-903, 2008.
- “A note on Chui, Gai and Haldane’s ‘Sovereign liquidity crises: Analytics and implications for public policy'” (joint with Dina Dreisbach), Journal of Banking and Finance, 32 (4), 624-629, 2008.
- “Tax-Favored Retirement Accounts: Are they Efficient in Increasing Savings and Growth?” (joint with Hans Fehr and Christian Habermann), FinanzArchiv, 64 (2), 171-198, 2008.
- “Multidimensional spline interpolation: Theory and applications” (joint with Christian Habermann), Computational Economics, 30 (2), 153-169, 2007.
Book Chapters:
- “The Economics of Fertility: A New Era”, (joint with Matthias Doepke, Anne Hannusch and Michèle Tertilt),in: S. Lundberg and A. Voena (Eds.), Handbook of Family Economics, Elsevier, Amsterdam. (Data for generating graphs, xlsx)
- “The Insurance Role of the Family”, (joint with Hans Fehr), forthcoming in: K. Zimmermann (Ed.), Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Springer, Cham, 2022.
- “Intrahousehold Decision Making and Fertility” (joint with Matthias Doepke), in: M. Cervelatti and U. Sunde (Eds.), Demographic Change and Long-Run Development, MIT Press, 2017.
- “Generational policy and aging in closed and open dynamic general equilibrium models” (joint with H. Fehr, S. Jokisch, M. Kallweit and L. Kotlikoff), in: P. Dixon and D. Jorgenson (Eds.), Handbook of CGE Modeling, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1719-1800, 2012.
Policy-Oriented Articles and Other Publications
- “The New Economics of Fertility” (joint with Matthias Doepke, Anne Hannnusch and Michele Tertilt), IMF Finance and Development, 2022.
- “A new era in the economics of fertility” (joint with Matthias Doepke, Anne Hannnusch and Michele Tertilt), Vox (, 2022.
- “Inheritance taxation and wealth effects on the labour supply of heirs” (joint with Lukas Mayr and Dominik Sachs), Vox (, 2018.
- “Kinder sind Verhandlungssache” (joint with Matthias Doepke), Ökonomenstimme (, 2016.
- “Why European women are saying no to having (more) babies” (joint with Matthias Doepke), Vox (, 2016.
- “Earnings Inequality and Taxes on the Rich”, Bonn Journal of Economics, IV (1), 2015.
- “High Marginal Tax Rates on the Top 1%” (joint with Dirk Krueger), Vox (, 2014.
- “Mit Robin Hood gegen die Altersarmut”, Ökonomenstimme (, 2011.